Can these short snippets of motivational wisdom make you think differently about your health today?
It’s time to take action! Don’t just talk about it. Don’t just dream about it. It’s time to Just Do It!
Caring for your health is not a selfish act. It is your responsibility. It’s necessary to create a future you will be happy with.
If you want to transform your life and see yourself somewhere better, more worthy in six months, you must incorporate a self-care regimen.
It must become a habit, not just a fling.
You have to be PROACTIVE in your growth, and take care of yourself every day – to get yourself ready for the best year for you! One that will make you not only happy but also proud!
Keep these quotes in your back pocket, and you’ll be looking and feeling great in no time.
Some quotes touch on taking action and persistence, others talk about what you do and exercise. I’ve also included a few timeless quotes from the likes of Thomas Edison and Walt Disney, which you might want to keep in mind as you plan your health resolution for 2022.

Thomas Alva Edison, an extraordinary scientist! You might be thinking, what does this quote have to do with health or weight loss? Well, this quote pairs nicely with my research into the Ideal diet for human consumption. On my resume’ I have so many diets that did not work and this is why, as a scientist, I kept on searching until I found the Ideal diet for humans that naturally promotes health and weight loss, The Guerrilla Diet. I used the word “Guerrilla” because we have to combat conformity and what the media is trying to sell us in order to thrive in our world.
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