Sugar, Fruits & Fruit Juice; Everything You Need To Know

Hi, this is Galit Goldfarb, nutritionist, and medical scientist, and welcome to my blog where you will find great articles to help you transform your health quickly through practical lifestyle changes based on science. My articles will guide you, step-by-step, to lasting weight loss and better health for you and your family no matter your…
[Recipe] Vegan Crustless Asparagus Bake

Crustless Asparagus Bake Asparagus is an excellent source of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and antioxidant nutrients. It is also and excellent source of prebiotics which help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, making this an exceptionally healthy dish. Serves: 4 Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Ingredients 10 asparagus spears 2 leeks 1/4 cup coconut…
[Infographic] 13 Simple Keys To A Healthy Lifestyle

Hi everyone, Today I felt like making a nice infographic pointing out the state of our current health and how to make things better simply and easily. I have included 13 tips to living a healthier happier life. Enjoy the infographic and have a great day! Thank you for taking the time to visit my…
Get Rid Of Your Health and Weight Issues Once and For All

Are You Ready To Get Rid Of Your Health and Weight Issues Once and For All?! I decided to take a closer look at our closest ancestors to learn more about the current human health situation. I went on to examine gorillas who share 97.8% of our genes and found that by examining the way…
Here is How Virgin Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Health and Help You Lose Weight

Here is How Virgin Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Health and Help You Lose Weight Coconut oil is extracted from the meat of the coconut from the coconut tree which is native to tropical parts of the world like East Africa, SE Asia and the Asian subcontinent. Coconut oil has been used for cooking for…
{Recipe} Hearty Tomato Soup

My new book The Guerrilla Diet And Lifestyle Program – Wage War on Weight & Poor Health And Learn To Thrive In The Modern Jungle is now available HERE on Amazon! Hearty Tomato Soup Tomatoes are a treasure box of antioxidant nutrients and have a unique phytonutrient composition. As a result, they provide critical protection against cancer and support…
Why You Really Do Want To Consider Going Vegan –

The Benefits Of Going Vegan What Is a Vegan Lifestyle? There are many different approaches to eating. Some people eat anything and everything. Others don’t eat meat, or they eat meat once a week. Others avoid meat and animal products altogether. They embrace a vegan lifestyle. A vegan is someone who does not eat any…
Infographic – ’Tis The Season For Changing Dietary Habits

My new book The Guerrilla Diet And Lifestyle Program – Wage War on Weight & Poor Health And Learn To Thrive In The Modern Jungle is now available HERE on Amazon! Current Health Statistics Are Grim Here’s How We Can Improve Them Research shows that more than 69% of adults age 20+ are overweight or obese (Body Mass Index –…
Recipe – Raw Tasty Vegan Apple Pie

My new book The Guerrilla Diet And Lifestyle Program – Wage War on Weight & Poor Health And Learn To Thrive In The Modern Jungle is now available HERE on Amazon! Raw Tasty Vegan Apple Pie Apples are great for weight loss since they are rich in phytonutrients and in fiber that help regulate blood sugar levels and keep…
Recipe – Health Promoting Miso Soup

Miso soup is a great heath promoting food. It is a wonderful source of antioxidants providing miso with powerful anti cancer and heart protecting attributes. Miso also supports a healthy gut microbiota due to its fermentation process promoting optimal health and easier weight loss.
3 Reasons Why It Is Important To Lose Belly Fat and How To Do It Right

There are two types of fat tissue in our body: Both types of fat tissue make up belly fat, but there is a significant difference between the two types of fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fat stored under the skin all over our body. It is also found in the belly area. In and of…
10 Best Foods Series: The 10 Best Foods To Reduce Stress And Achieve Inner Calmness

10 Best Foods Series: The 10 Best Foods To Reduce Stress And Achieve Inner Calmness: The foods we choose to consume affect our mental health because of the composition of nutrients they have which of bring about chemical changes in our body which affect our brain, and in turn, influence our behavior.
How To Make Brown Rice Taste Like White Rice And Get Your Kids To Love It (and why this is important to do)

How to make brown rice taste like white rice and get your kids to love it (and why this is important to do)
1 More Unexpected Reason To Eat Less Meat For A Healthy Heart: Look At The Research

1 More Unexpected Reason To Eat Less Meat: Look At The Research