The Connection Between Health and Happiness

Because the Guerrilla Diet is what I call a wholistic lifestyle program, it means that we take into consideration all of the effects that all parts of our lives have on our health and wellbeing, as well as how our health and wellbeing effects all other parts of our lives. In order to attain and…
How to Reduce the Chronic Stress that Leads to Weight Gain

Science has proven that stress leads to weight gain in several ways. [1] The primary method is through the release of cortisol, a stress hormone that is released together with several other hormones during the fight or flight response, a reaction that occurs when we’re under stress. Cortisol makes us crave high energy, high fat,…
The 7 “Secrets” to Lasting Health (that most of us know but don’t follow)

Seventy percent of the global population is suffering from at least one chronic disease, and the percentage is even higher if you live in the Western world. Every day you hear about some new miracle pill or procedure that claims to make you younger, stronger, thinner, more beautiful and heal you from some chronic disease.…
Meditation Is A State Of Mind. How To Easily Incorporate It Into Your Life

The demands of everyday life can be very exhausting – physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. We perceive things or situations to be very important in our lives and this leads to stress for performance or fear of loss. Meditation, which is the practice of putting oneself in a state of mind to achieve mental and…
10 Natural Ways to Boost Brain Function and Memory

The human brain controls all functions of the human body. With blazing speed, it estimates body functions and its environment and serves to maintain balance. The brain is continuously regulating everyday processes such as blood flow throughout the body, our breathing, hormonal balance, and managing our thoughts. It’s operational 24/7. Age, unhealthy lifestyle choices, poor…
Getting Started With The Right Mindset For Success With Weight Loss

There is great importance in getting into a success mindset in order for your efforts to fulfill your desires. Having the right mindset for achieving your health and weight loss goals is very important and always determines your success in this field. Check out my infographic on positive vs negative thinking for weight loss. You…