The Effects of ENDOTOXINS on your HEALTH

In nature, organisms have developed ways to defend themselves by producing poisonous and harmful substances called toxins. Toxins are substances produced within living cells or organisms that can have a detrimental effect on other living organisms. Endotoxins are bacterial toxins from Gram-negative bacteria, (‘endo’ meaning ‘internal’, a part of the bacteria itself). An endotoxin is…

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Gallstones – How Dietary Changes And Supplements Can Help

Gallstones are hard deposits of bile components formed in the gallbladder or bile ducts. The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that lies below the liver in the upper right abdomen. It stores bile, a liquid made in the liver which is moved to the gallbladder for release to help break down fats into fatty…

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Pregnancy – The Most Crucial Supplements And Foods To Consume When Pregnant Or Trying To Get Pregnant

Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman’s life. Not only is it special because of the outcome, but also the pregnancy itself is quite a spiritual process that is very exciting and fulfilling.  During pregnancy, the amount of nutrients the woman’s body needs is also special in that it is exceptionally high.  Many…

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Blepharitis, And Other Eye Conditions- How Dietary Changes and Supplements Can Help

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids that causes watery and red eyes, a burning, unpleasant sensation, itchiness, swollen eyelids, blurred vision, frothy tears, and even loss of eyelashes. Your eyelids can be stuck shut in the morning due to the crusting on your eyelashes or the lids’ edges.  It is estimated that one in…

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Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits?

For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been used in cooking and as a popular home remedy. The ancient Greeks treated their wounds with it while Greek physician Hippocrates recommended it as a treatment for colds, sore throats, and coughs.  Historically, it has been used for many ailments, including obesity, plague, and high blood pressure, while…

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7 Reasons To Remove Dairy Products If You Wish to Lose Weight

Dairy products were my absolute favorite food as a vegetarian from my teen years. I just loved their smooth and fatty flavor. I was addicted. Over the years and especially following my research into the ideal diet for humans, which I called The Guerrilla Diet because I felt I had to “combat” all I was…

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ASTHMA TREATMENT – Nutritional Remedies to Cure Asthma Naturally

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder associated with airway inflammation. Asthma is affected by environmental factors and genetic susceptibility that both play a role in asthma pathophysiology.  Common symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest pain or tightness. Also healing from the common cold or flu will take longer for asthmatics.…

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What Can You Do To Prevent Or Reduce Alzheimer’s Symptoms Naturally

Alzheimer’s disease was first described by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in his patient in 1906. Today Alzheimer’s disease is a major public health concern with increasing numbers among the global population. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia. (1) It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which leads to the destruction of nerve cells and brain…

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Toxin Removal – The best foods and supplements that support natural detoxification

Helping our body remove toxins is essential for health in later years of life. The sooner you start, the healthier you will be in later life. Toxin removal should be an ongoing process otherwise life will be full of exhaustion, pain, headaches, water retention, and other problems that come from too many toxins in the…

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The Best Foods for Libido and How They Work

Many things in modern life lower our libido levels. This is especially true with the amount of stress we have in our daily lives. Other lifestyle habits also influence our libido. But there is evidence that certain lifestyle choices we make can actually have a positive influence on our libido.  So instead of going for…

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How to Stop Bad Breath With 10 Dietary Tips

There is no substitute for good dental hygiene. Bad oral health is the source of 90% of cases of bad breath. This usually comes from poor oral hygiene in general, periodontal disease, unclean dentures, faulty tooth restorations, tongue coat, oral carcinomas, and throat infections. Bad breath can be a serious turnoff. If you or someone…

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Treating Gum Disease Naturally

Gum disease or as professionally known as Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis, whereby the gums become swollen, red, and may bleed when touched. If this condition is allowed to deteriorate, it may become periodontitis, a more serious form of…

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How to treat hair loss with diet and supplements

Hair loss is a clear sign of some deficiency in your diet. This deficiency can be of specific nutrients, or overall calorie deficiency or a macronutrient deficiency such as protein deficiency.   Hair follicles are among the most metabolically active in the body. They require constant and proper nutrition to support their growth. Research shows…

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Allergies vs. Intolerances, and Natural Treatments That May Help

A true allergy: There are four types of reactions to allergens, including: 1. An immediate and acute reaction. It is the most common form of an allergic reaction, but it is still uncommon among the global population. An anaphylactic reaction releases histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, and lipid mediators, which may damage tissues and organs.   Anaphylaxis involves…

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The best food combining principles and why

We all know how specific foods can provide health benefits. (1) There is much research about food combining, and in fact, food combining was my first interest when I came into the field of nutrition at the age of 15. I then went to my local library to find the different digestive times of proteins,…

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