A Great Product Hundreds of Happy Customers
A Proven Cash Creator:
- High Conversion Rate
- An Established High Quality Product
- Less Than 2% Refund Rate!

Galit Goldfarb
Contact Us We're Here To Help You Succeed
Email Us: Support@GalitGoldfarb.com
Call or Text Your Name: +972-52-4764241
Skype Your Name: galit.gold
STEP 1: Join Our JVZoo Affiliate Program
Quick & Easy Affiliate Sign Up Form
We use JVZoo because it's an awesome platform. You can get your affiliate link below but we ask that you first sign up for our Affiliate program on the right. We'd like to keep in touch with you about leaderboard updates and spot contests throughout this launch. We don't market to our JV's.
We run a legit company and we have a great reputation. Please read our terms to ensure that the rules are clear and everything remains above board.

(subject to change without notice - please check back here regularly)
Please read carefully before joining this program. By signing up for our affiliate program you agree that you will abide by these terms when promoting our products. If you violate these terms and conditions, you will be terminated from the program and you agree that any commissions will be forfeited without recourse.
These are some things that you CAN NOT do:
You are NOT permitted to conduct e-mail promotions in a 3rd party system - all e-mail contacts MUST be your OWN opt in e-mail list. You cannot buy solo ads, use safe lists, use spam or anything similar.
You must NOT run "negative" PPC or iframe domain campaigns such as "Product name / author name scam" or any other method to attract controversial click thru rates that an ordinary person would deem to portray a negative view of the product. This creates a very bad image for our company and the individuals featured in the products and you will be terminated from the program instantly.
You should avoid using the raw affiliate link. All affiliates are encouraged to utilize RE-direct links in e-mails and website campaigns and not the direct affiliate link you will receive. This increases conversions for both of us.
You cannot earn commission on your own purchase. Any 'self' purchase commission will be nullified. You need 2 sales before commissions are paid and a minimum of $50 to trigger the first payment.
These are some things you CAN do:
PPC campaigners may bid on any keywords including the product names and author names as long as you agree that these trademarks and product names are the property of MYUnfairAdvantage.net and you are only using them under agreement. This agreement maybe revoked at any time. Make sure all campaigns abide by these terms.
iFrames, review sites and cloaked domains are permitted as long as they do not contain offensive or negative domain URLs.
We run a legitimate business, which means that we must have accurate tax information from all of our affiliate partners. In order to receive a payment from us, you MUST create a free PayPeopleOnline.com account and upload your w9.
A notice to affiliates about contests and prizes: From time to time we hold sales competitions and /or may offer prizes as a reward for achieving sales goals that we set. We reserve the right to change or substitute those prizes with cash or however we see fit. Unless otherwise stated in the particular contest, to qualify for a prize the affiliate must generate commissions equal to or greater than the value of the prize.
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions or if you are unsure about one of our policies we recommend that you contact us directly before promoting our products.
Big Daddy Kane, CEO
Your Company Name, Inc.
69 Any Street
Anytown, Anywhere 32911
Phone: 555-555-5555
STEP 2: Personalize Your Affiliate Tools
Email Swipes
The Crush Campaign email sequence
The Crush Campaign email sequence is your email sequence to rake in hundreds of dollars on this product promotion to your list. It works REALLY WELL when you use it in its entirety as indicated. Mail all emails as indicated below or you can Download The Crush Campaign.

Start sending out THE “PRE CRUSH” EMAILS on a TUESDAY then on FRIDAY Send 1 Email SATURDAY Send 2 Emails SUNDAY Send 3 Emails
Banner A

There are 2 things that will drastically increase your conversions for any product that you are promoting. If you take the time to do these two simple things you will significantly increase the amount of money you make so do it now and don't leave it for the last minute
We highly recommend that you offer a personal bonus for your subscribers to add an additional incentive for them to buy through YOUR LINK instead of someone else’s LINK.
Product & Funnel: A Rock Solid Reputation

Sounds Good But..
What Is Predicted Achievement Exactly?
What Is Predicted Achievement Exactly?
A Super Robust Members Area
Predicted Achievement Membership Site is composed of over 200 pages of rock solid content, personal development tools, health transformations tools and video + audio trainings. Everything you need to transform your health and life in a positive way. Plus I add specialised blog posts twice a week to ensure your customers reach their goals in the easiest and fastest way possible. There are over 80 past posts in the archives. Your customers get a 30 day guarantee and they'll have the best customer service in the known universe. We do all of our own customer service in house, they can submit a ticket or write to us. We aim to make your people happy no matter what it takes.
High Conversions & Low Refunds
The sales funnel is simple and convert well. Payments are processed securely with JVZoo and your customer can pay with PayPal or credit card.
Your customers get a 30 day guarantee and they'll have the best customer service in the known universe. We do all of our own customer service in house, they can submit a ticket or write to us. We aim to make your people happy no matter what it takes.

Galit Goldfarb
Contact Us We're Here To Help You Succeed
Email Us: Support@GalitGoldfarb.com
Call or Text Your Name: +972-52-4764241
Skype Your Name: galit.gold

Copyright 2015 - Predicted Achievement, Inc. - All Rights Reserved Worldwide Feel free to borrow but don’t bite my style 😉