Do you find it difficult sticking to your New Year’s resolutions not long after making them?
Well, you’re not alone. According to WebMD, only 44 percent of those who make New Year’s resolutions are still hanging in there six months later.
Because it’s hard and requires effort to achieve what we desire in life, and not many people have the courage, persistence, and willpower to continue at it when the going get’s tough, and it always does at some point.
To succeed in life, our goals, both big and small, must be precise.
Vague goals like lose weight, get rich, find a new job or eat better will leave us confused and not know which steps to take.
You also need a detailed blueprint of what exactly you want to achieve, and although it is good to have a plan in place of how you think you may get there, your plan will likely change with time. But so long as you take daily action towards the achievement of your goals, and proceed with faith that you have the ability to achieve them, your desires will manifest.
Big goals should be cut down into little bites so that you won’t feel the urge to self-sabotage your efforts due to the reptilian part of the brain which does not like changes, adventure or risk-taking.
If you are truly determined to succeed, you’ll need to take the right actions. Here are 7 steps that will increase your chances of success at manifesting your desires this year:
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