Join The Growing Community Of People Who Are Transforming Their Health, Their Bodies and Reversing Disease States With Unlimited Advice, Tools, Training, and Resources!
In Just Five Minutes, You Can Have The Most Comprehensive Lifestyle Transformation Program In Your Hands, And Be On Your Way, Finally, To Achieving Your Weight & Health Goals In A Lasting Way!
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to eat everything they want and still remain slim, fit and healthy, while others seem destined to a life of constant yo-yo dieting, weight fluctuations and health struggles? The difference lies only in their choices.

I Put an END to My Own Weight and Health Problems -- And Now I’m Enjoying a Slim, Trim and Healthy Body -- And I’ll Show You How YOU Can, Too!
...WITHOUT Trendy Supplements, Calorie Counting or Intense Workouts!
I devoted my time to researching this subject in great depth. I read, learned, and studied in great depth all of the sciences combined, and finally came to the ideal diet for humans, one that reverses disease and leads to easy and natural weight loss.
These findings formed the basis of my book The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program as well as my PhD doctorate studies in nutrition.
I changed my diet and my mindset completely and now I live a cancer free, addiction free life filled with enough energy and health to pursue all of my dreams as well as a great looking and feeling body. I have also begun research on a group of 80 children with disabilities and other difficulties to examine how this diet affects human behaviour, as well as brain health and cognitive levels and the impact our diet has on other health factors.And as they say, the rest is history...
After 8 months of on the dietary program, the excess weight and the Cancer was gone!
No more Cancer... No more Excessive Weight... No more Low Energy and no more Frustration...
Just the satisfaction, happiness and fulfilment that comes from having a Slim, Fit, Energetic and Healthy body!

Leila's Story
“I can’t believe I’m walking again!”
“My Grandmother aged 94 wasn’t leaving her bed for six months, after changing her diet and giving her the right supplements, we managed to reduce her anti-depressant medications and she is up and walking again!"
-- Dana Levy NY, New York

Angie's Story
“My life has completely changed since beginning the diet. I have gone from a 42 (10) dress size to a 36 (4)! And my upper gastric pain disappeared and my cholesterol has gone down!.”
-- Angie Sacalle Philippines
During my years helping myself and well over hundreds of people become more fit, healthy, and slim, I’ve learned a LOT about what it takes to lose weight and regain health.
Through evidence based research, I’ve discovered the safest, easiest, most efficient steps to get there!
I’ll tell you about them in just a minute, but first, there’s something I need to clear up:
If you’ve been struggling to lose weight and achieve optimal health, but failing miserably, you need to understand that it’s NOT YOUR FAULT!
The Diet/Fitness/Weight Loss Industry Wants You To FAIL!!!
That’s right…
The sad truth is, the diet/health/weight loss industry does NOT want you to be successful.
I know it sounds crazy, but the thing is, most health and weight loss companies are designed to do one thing: make money selling you dietary products.
But how many products could they sell if you were actually fit, slim and healthy? None! Right? RIGHT!
So they’ve flooded the market with pills, weight loss surgeries, supplements and more that only give you false hope that maybe, just maybe, this will be the one thing that works to help you lose weight and achieve your health goals.
And when it doesn’t work, you feel like MORE of a failure, become MORE desperate, and buy something else. And when that doesn’t work, your self-esteem takes another hit, and you buy something else. And so on... and so on...
Sound familiar? I know it does because I’ve been there myself!
Don’t you owe it to yourself to put an end to the cycle of frustration, pain and suffering, and finally reach the health and weight you’ve been dreaming of and deserve to have?
The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program Bootcamp is The Quickest, Easiest, Healthiest Way To Lose Weight, Safely and Effectively, and keep it off for good... Guaranteed!
Knowing the truth about the diet industry, I decided to provide a solution to help real people like you and me enjoy the satisfaction of finally reaching your weight and health goals…
… By going to the REAL CORE of the weight and health problem and using sound, proven dietary principles..
I took everything I’ve learned about health and weight loss from my education, research experience and experience in helping others as well as myself, and put it into a simple system that you can use to reach optimal health, reverse disease and reach the weight you’ve been dreaming of...
... No counting calories, useless gadgets, surgery, or pills required!
The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Online Training Program will walk you, step by step, through the entire process of changing your detrimental habits without the cycle of failure, endless disappointment, and unfulfilling results
Because, you will finally be dealing with the core of the problem itself rather than only dealing with it’s symptoms
This system will work for anyone, regardless of current health, weight or fitness level. It’s also super easy to follow. All you need to do is just make a decision.
Thanks to my system, you’ll discover exactly what you need to do to overcome every last obstacle that’s stopping you from being thin and healthy.
Here’s Exactly What You Get When You Get Started With The Guerrilla Diet System Today:
- Discover all of the knowledge you need to eternally clear all of their confusion on the subject of health and nutrition.
- Gain the knowledge to become master over your body instead of being a slave to it all your life.
- Understand why you haven't succeeded up till this point.
Less Confusion
Have the knowledge to eternally clear all of their confusion on the subject of health and nutrition.

More Control
Learn to become master over your body instead of being a slave to it all your life.

Lasting Results
Understand why you haven’t succeeded with dieting up till this point and how to easily change this.

And Much, Much More...
And Now I’d Like You To Have The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program Solution, So YOU Can Enjoy Optimal Health, Too! Seeing how easily my clients and other people who followed the diet were able to Reverse Disease and Lose Weight, I knew I needed to get my solution into as many hands as possible. So I decided to create this online training program so that I could help as many people as possible, not only those who could come to my clinic! Use my system, and within just 3-8 months, you’ll be enjoying:
- Better Health
- A substantially Slimmer and Healthier Body
- More Energy to Pursue Your Desires
- And Great Blood Test Results
What’s It Worth To You To No Longer Have Poor Health Afflicting Your Life?
If you’ve been looking for help for long, you’ll know what other so-called solutions cost.
You could spend $1,000s on gym membership fees trying to achieve your weight loss and health goals yourself, with no help, guidance, support, or encouragement and no long term success.
Or you could continue to throw $100 or $1000s of dollars away on different dietary supplements or weight loss surgeries.
But doesn’t it make more sense to care for the core of the problem rather than deal only with it’s symptoms? By joining The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program online training program, you will have access to my proven, step-by-step system for changing non beneficial habits to help you reach optimal health and weight loss that goes to the core of the problem, which is always about the dietary elements you consume, your mindset and your surroundings. By changing these 3 factors in the right way, you can finally enjoy the lasting weight loss and health you’ve been seeking to achieve?
And Much, Much More...
I Want You To Really THRIVE With This System...
So When You Get Started TODAY, I’ll Also Throw In 2 Super Bonuses – FREE!

Super Bonus #1
Since Dietary habits are also based on fixed mind thought patterns, I am giving you access to my LIFE ALTERING course: “The 8 magic Steps To Success, Happiness and Fulfilment - Your step-by-step guide to smiling and passionate about life starting now”
At a special bonus of 50% off the retail price
A $297 Value, Yours for half the price!

Super Bonus #2
My full 6 Principle Strategy for Creating a Successful & Happy Life Book Series available for easy access and to download in your members area, for FREE! This will ensure you are well on your way to achieving the health, weight, well-being, and fulfilment in life that you desire. There is no chance that you will not reach your destination if you follow through continuously and persistently with the principles in this book series.

30 Day Iron Clad money Back Guarantee
I almost forgot to mention your ironclad money-back guarantee with The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Online Bootcamp, so you can give the program a try for 30 days, with NO RISK!
In Just Five Minutes, You Can Have My Dietary System In Your Hands, And Be On Your Way, Finally, To Achieving Your Weight Loss & Health Goals!
So now you have a choice to make...
You can continue with the cycle of disappointment and defeat, trying one fad after another, never seeing any results (while your self-esteem and confidence sink further and further).
Or you can invest a modest sum of money in a foolproof, proven system for weight loss, and once and for all achieve your dream of looking and feeling great, regaining your health and energy to live the life of your dreams.

P.S. The super bonuses are very valuable to anyone serious about achieving optimal health and losing weight for good by caring for their health the right way. So to get yours, claim The Guerrilla Diet right away!
I’m not afraid to take on all the risk myself, because I know this program WORKS! I’ve already helped hundreds people put an end to their battle with excess weight and poor health, so I’m confident it will work for you, too!
I look forward to seeing you on the inside!
Everyone From Stay-at-Home Moms to Corporate CEOs Have Achieved Their Weight & Health Goals Thanks To The Guerrilla Diet System
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will I really be able to lose weight automatically?
Once you understand the basics of the weight loss process and you follow the simple and easy to follow guidelines, you will not only lose weight automatically, but also slowly become healthier and more energetic in the process
2. How many people have tried this system and succeeded?
Hundreds of people following this exact diet have reversed cancer, heart disease, ADHD, renal disease and many other debilitating conditions, and all have reached their optimal weight in the process.
3. Will I lose weight fast?
You will not lose weight fast, but you will be losing weight steadily and not only will your weight drop, you will also be shedding visceral fat, which is the major source of inflammation in our bodies today.
4. How long will it take for me to reach my ideal health and weight?
Just as the weight and poor health did not come on in a day, it won’t come off in a day. You will reach a healthy weight within the first eight months on this program and will reach optimal health within two years of starting the program. Considering current human lifespan statistics, this is approximately 0.025% of your time on earth, which is not very long, but this change will also increase your longevity and the quality of your life during your remaining years on earth.
5. Will I need to become vegan or vegetarian to succeed?
No. The ideal diet does not require you to become vegan or vegetarian.
6. Is the process easy to follow?
The process is given in a very easy to follow format whereby you only change one lifestyle habit per week and make one mindset shift per week. It simple, easy and does not require much thinking.
7. Do I have a money back guarantee?
On the Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program Online Training Program, you have a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with what you are learning and the steps involved, just contact us through the contact form and you will get all of your money back, no questions asked.
8. If I share your program with others, can I make a profit?
Yes, you certainly can. We want this information to reach as many people as possible and help save much human pain and suffering as well as global suffering. By sharing this program you will personally receive a nice percent of our profit, of which is currently going out to spread the word and change habits of people who cannot do it for themselves. Check out our affiliates program HERE
9. Will I succeed?
Even if you follow 50% of the recommendations in this program, you will lose weight, and if you follow 90% of the guidelines, you will ensure a life of optimal health and ideal weight as well as ensuring that your future generations will have the best chance for longevity and health in the future.
10. Do you have an option for private consultations?
Yes, we have. We love helping people succeed. All you need to do is fill out our pre-consultation questionnaire and schedule your consultation HERE
Some of Our Latest Success Stories
"Thank you very much for your advice! I look younger than I ever have. People do not understand how I lost all of my belly fat at my age. I have lost 10 kg (22 pounds) which I never thought that I would lose and I’m looking great and I’m happy!
-- Felly Delfin, Hong Kong
I am feeling better than I have felt for a very long time and it is easy to follow. I enjoy the recipes as well.
Nicole B