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Thanks For Your Purchase Of Our Program! Read On To Claim Your Special Bonus

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Get All You Will Ever Need To Transform Your Health, Weight and Life Today...
Now You Can Also Have Access To The 8 Magic Step Formula Online Training Program To Achieve Success, Happiness and Fulfilment and much much more... To Help You Get Rid Of All Blocks Stopping You From Achieving The Life Of Your Dreams Starting Now!

The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Online Training Program

The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program 3 Book Series

The Magic 8 Step Formula To Success, Happiness and Fulfilment Program

The Guerrilla Diet Audio Course and The Guerrilla Diet Audio Book
- Wajahath Khan, India
"Really Appreciate Work and the Ability of Explanation Is Awesome, I really Bring Changes in me. Thank you for This Course.”
- Karin Lychee, Israel
“Your teaching is clear and easy to understand and helped me change my unwanted behaviours in under two weeks. I can’t believe the change in me! Thanks!”
- Inbar Kaufman, Germany
I loved it! This guide has truly changed my life. Great Job!
PLUS... Order TODAY, and I’ll Include These 3 Bonuses, Valued at $500, To Help You Get The MOST From The “New You” Gold Level Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program Bootcamp!
If you were to get all of these programs on their own, you’d have everything you need lose weight, reverse disease, overcome your self sabotaging behaviour, feel more control over your life and start living the life of your dreams.
But I want to be absolutely certain that you get every possible tool and strategy possible to succeed and overcome any self sabotaging behavior FOREVER, so if you claim your GOLD “New You” Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program Bootcamp which includes all of the programs above, I’ll include these additional bonus resources, for FREE!

Super Bonus #1
You will get my full set of Mind Films especially designed to help you change your thought patterns from your brain default settings that are proving to be unsuccessful for you, to thought patterns that will easily help you change your habits and chosen behaviours to ones that support your success in all of the important life fields.

Super Bonus #2
You will receive access to my Self Assessment Test to discover your strengths and find the shortest path to your success, fulfilment and happiness.
Yours Absolutely FREE!

Super Bonus #3
Health and Wellness Affirmations Audio and PDF To help you relax into a state of knowing you will achieve optimal health and your desired weight by imprinting positive affirmations on your subconscious mind to ensure your success.

30 Day Iron Clad money Back Guarantee
I almost forgot to mention your ironclad money-back guarantee with The Gold “New You” Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program Bootcamp Upgrade, so you can give it a try for 30 days, with NO RISK!
Get Started Today...
Claim Your Membership Upgrade Below, And You Can Be On Your Way To
The Life Of Your Dreams In The Next FIVE MINUTES!
Claim Your Membership Upgrade Below, And You Can Be On Your Way To
The Life Of Your Dreams In The Next FIVE MINUTES!
You can continue to be held hostage by self sabotaging behaviours, and spend your days living with the excess weight, the poor health, the pain, misery and frustration and of an unfulfilled unhealthy life.
Or you can act TODAY, and get a comprehensive membership site with all you will ever need to succeed in all areas of life. This membership site was created by Galit Goldfarb, Entrepreneur, Nutritionist, Scientist, Phd Student, and Life Coach with over 22 years of experience in helping 100s of other people successfully reach success in all areas of their lives.
Follow the link below to stop your self sabotaging behaviours, and enjoy control over your life, your health and your happiness NOW!

The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Online Training Program

The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program 3 Book Series

The Magic 8 Step Formula To Success, Happiness and Fulfilment Program

The Guerrilla Diet Audio Course and The Guerrilla Diet Audio Book

Upgrade Your Membership Access Now

Wishing you all the very best,
Galit Goldfarb
P.S. Remember over $500 worth of super bonuses are only available for a limited time. So to get yours, you’ll need to claim access to The Gold Level “New You” Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program Bootcamp right away!
You have nothing to lose but EVERYTHING to gain!