Health Tips For The Holiday Season

Amidst these challenging times, I still believe in the importance of prioritizing health and well-being in all circumstances, so I’d like to share ten simple and merry suggestions to support your health and prevent overindulgence during this holiday season: Let me take you on a journey through these satisfying tips: 1. Throughout the years I’ve…
Managing Food Poisoning with Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Foodborne illnesses or food poisoning are common and affect ? of the population in developed countries at one point every year. In undeveloped countries, these numbers are much higher. In the US alone in 2022, the CDC statistics report 48 million people suffering from food poisoning a year, with 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths yearly…
Reducing Fever Naturally Through Diet, Supplements, and Natural Activities

Colds are caused by viruses and usually cause a sore throat and nasal congestion; some may cough, sneeze and have body aches and tiredness. There may be a slight fever, but usually not. A bacterial infection almost always causes fevers. Although having a fever does not differentiate between viral and bacterial infections, a high fever…
Platelet Health and Count with Nutrition and Supplements

Platelets, or in other words, thrombocytes, are colorless blood cells that help blood aggregate or clot together to form plugs in injuries to stop bleeding. Platelets are called by this name because, under a microscope, they look like small plates in their non-active form. A platelet becomes active whenever it receives a signal that there…
Maintaining Eye Health and Good Eyesight with Diet and Supplements

Failing eyesight doesn’t have to be an inevitable and acceptable reality of aging. Dry eyes, night blindness, cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, or glaucoma do not have to be your destiny. The truth is that your diet and lifestyle significantly affect your eye health. There are things you can do to decrease your risk of…