The Connection Between Health and Happiness

Because the Guerrilla Diet is what I call a wholistic lifestyle program, it means that we take into consideration all of the effects that all parts of our lives have on our health and wellbeing, as well as how our health and wellbeing effects all other parts of our lives. In order to attain and…
Why Do We Avoid Making The Changes That We Know Will Make Us Healthier And Happier?

Why do we avoid making the changes that we know and understand we need to make in order to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life? It all comes down to the primitive parts of our brain that move us to make decisions based on whether we believe this choice will provide us with pleasurable feelings…
Keeping a Journal = Success at Weight Loss and Health Goals

Just before the holiday season… it’s a great time to check and renew our goals and to create a plan that will help us get closer to achieving our goals and to commit to them with passion and purpose. But before we focus on a plan to get us closer to achieving our goals it…
[Infographic] 13 Simple Keys To A Healthy Lifestyle

Hi everyone, Today I felt like making a nice infographic pointing out the state of our current health and how to make things better simply and easily. I have included 13 tips to living a healthier happier life. Enjoy the infographic and have a great day! Thank you for taking the time to visit my…