Healing Jaundice with Diet, Lifestyle Changes, and Supplements

Jaundice is a medical condition induced by the buildup of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is a naturally occurring orange-yellow pigment that is a waste product from the natural breakdown of red blood cells. The liver processes the bilirubin from the breakdown of blood cells and transports it to the intestines in bile, a digestive…
Managing Hashimoto Thyroiditis With Diet, Lifestyle Changes, and Supplements

Hashimoto thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid tissue through an immune process, often intermittently. The disease first appears with the gradual enlargement of the thyroid gland and slow progression of hypothyroidism due to the infiltration of immune cells into the thyroid tissue, causing its destruction. Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common endocrine…
Healing Headaches and Migraines With Diet and Supplements

Millions of people everyday experience headaches or migraines. The symptoms of migraines can make it especially difficult to manage daily life. These intense disabling headaches cause throbbing pain, nausea, irritability, and sensitivity to light, among other things. Various prescription drugs intended to treat headaches and migraines often come with unwanted side effects. The good news…
How to Support The Immune System with Diet and Supplements

Our immune system merged throughout our body is there to protect us against infections and other external and internal assaults. The immune system uses two types of defense mechanisms against threats to our body. An innate defense mechanism and an adaptive defense mechanism. Each defends against a threat to the body in a different way.…
Spirulina – should you supplement?

Spirulina is considered a complete food since it contains all of the amino acids and essential fats that we need. You really want to incorporate into yours and your children’s diet regularly to add nutrient density to their menu. Being so nutrient dense, it is great for personal health, and it is also ecologically sound,…
How to Improve Cell Energy (Mitochondrial Function) for Anti Aging & Health

The energy of the cell is produced by converting food we eat and oxygen we breath into energy in an organelle found inside our cells called the mitochondria. These organelles are considered the batteries of life, and are found in large numbers in active organs and tissues where a lot of energy is needed, including…
21 Powerful Reasons why you WANT to lose weight in 2019 + Special New Year Offer

Losing weight is not an issue you can afford to procrastinate, there are so many reasons why you want to lose weight starting now.
The 7 “Secrets” to Lasting Health (that most of us know but don’t follow)

Seventy percent of the global population is suffering from at least one chronic disease, and the percentage is even higher if you live in the Western world. Every day you hear about some new miracle pill or procedure that claims to make you younger, stronger, thinner, more beautiful and heal you from some chronic disease.…
The Effects of Plastic on Your Health

The 5th of June is world environment day, so I’ve decided to prepare an article for you on plastic, the benefits, and problems associated with its usage and what actions we can take to reduce its harm. Plastic takes anywhere between 10 and 1000 years to decompose. This can be seen in both a positive…
Some Practical Thoughts On Fast Food & Food Additives and 4 Simple Steps To Improve Your Eating Habits

Fast food, or what is otherwise known as convenience food provides us with an immediate solution to our hunger without needing much thought or effort on our part. But not only is fast food easy and fast to prepare, it is also fast to be eaten and fast to be assimilated by the body, which…
2 Healthiest Choices For Snacks Between Meals And Why

Hi, this is Galit Goldfarb, nutritionist, and medical scientist, and welcome to my blog where you will find great articles to help you transform your health quickly through practical lifestyle changes based on science. My articles will guide you, step-by-step, to lasting weight loss and better health for you and your family no matter your…
Sugar, Fruits & Fruit Juice; Everything You Need To Know

Hi, this is Galit Goldfarb, nutritionist, and medical scientist, and welcome to my blog where you will find great articles to help you transform your health quickly through practical lifestyle changes based on science. My articles will guide you, step-by-step, to lasting weight loss and better health for you and your family no matter your…
Why Do We Avoid Making The Changes That We Know Will Make Us Healthier And Happier?

Why do we avoid making the changes that we know and understand we need to make in order to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life? It all comes down to the primitive parts of our brain that move us to make decisions based on whether we believe this choice will provide us with pleasurable feelings…
Keeping a Journal = Success at Weight Loss and Health Goals

Just before the holiday season… it’s a great time to check and renew our goals and to create a plan that will help us get closer to achieving our goals and to commit to them with passion and purpose. But before we focus on a plan to get us closer to achieving our goals it…
[Recipe] Vegan Zucchini, Carrot & Sesame Patties

Vegan Zucchini, Carrot & Sesame Patties Serves: 6, 20 balls Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 7 minutes Using very little coconut oil, this dish is extremely tasty and provides us with important nutrients from the vegetables and sesame seeds used in the recipe. Ingredients for Patties 3 cups zucchinis (grated) 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt…