How to Support Heart Health and Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries, of which atherosclerosis is the most common type of heart disease. Heart disease is responsible for ¼ of all deaths, with 17.3 million global deaths each year, expected to rise by over 26% by 2030. Prevention of heart disease through lifestyle…
Garlic for Weight Loss and 10 Other Health Benefits

As early as ancient times, people have recognized how beneficial garlic is for our general health and well-being. Even Hippocrates used garlic when he treated people for a wide variety of health problems and conditions. [1] Today, thanks to extensive research, we know that dietary factors play a vital role in the development of various…
How to Reduce Homocysteine Levels To Improve Your Health

Homocysteine is one of the many amino acids – the building blocks of protein – in our bodies. Our bodies produce it naturally, and it’s made from a prevalent amino acid called methionine. Elevated homocysteine levels are known to inflict damage to the endothelium – the inner arterial lining which effects many disease states including…
Spirulina – should you supplement?

Spirulina is considered a complete food since it contains all of the amino acids and essential fats that we need. You really want to incorporate into yours and your children’s diet regularly to add nutrient density to their menu. Being so nutrient dense, it is great for personal health, and it is also ecologically sound,…
How Much Salt Is Really Good for You?

In the world of nutrition, a battle is fought continuously about whether or not certain products are right for us, what quantities of them are healthy, and where we should place our boundaries. This is especially true for salt. There are those who state that salt is entirely unhealthy, and there are also those who…