5 Dinner Recipes to Make in Under 20 Minutes + Bean and lentil cooking time chart

After a very busy day you come home exhausted, hungry and don’t feel like cooking something special. However, you still want to enjoy a healthy whole-food plant based meal. So for you, here are five delicious whole-food plant based dinner recipes that take under 20 minutes to prepare. These dishes may be made more quickly…
Healthy Cooking: 10 Quick and Easy Recipes When You’re in a Rush

A great way to ensure you’re eating healthy is by preparing meals yourself. When you do your own cooking, you know exactly what ingredients are going into your meals. But what do you do when you’re in a hurry or don’t have a lot of time during the day to prepare nutritious meals yourself? Here…
4 Simple Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle On A Time Budget

4 Simple Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle On A Time Budget Healthy food preparation takes time and eating real meals seems to have become a thing of the past due to our fast paced lives. People seem to be skipping breakfast because they need to leave home early to avoid traffic. They skip lunch when…