Epigenetics and How Lifestyle Choices Affect Health

The external effects of the environment can influence disease, and some of these effects can even be inherited in people. What exactly does this mean? Let’s give an example: in 2002, Swedish scientists conducted an investigation where they examined whether nutrition affected the death rate from heart disease and diabetes and whether these effects were…
5 Health Habits You Want To Begin Immediately

Lifestyle habits are challenging to change, especially when trying to change everything all at once. This is a sure route to failure, as this leads to feelings of incompetence, which makes us give up on all of our new habits and resort to our usual non-beneficial health habits that do not support our health and…
The 7 “Secrets” to Lasting Health (that most of us know but don’t follow)

Seventy percent of the global population is suffering from at least one chronic disease, and the percentage is even higher if you live in the Western world. Every day you hear about some new miracle pill or procedure that claims to make you younger, stronger, thinner, more beautiful and heal you from some chronic disease.…
Vitamin D and the Connection to Health and Weight – All Your Questions Answered

The Ultimate Guide to Vitamin D and it’s Connection to Health and Weight Hi, this is Galit Goldfarb, nutritionist and medical scientist, and welcome to my blog where you will find great articles to help you transform your health easily through practical lifestyle changes based on science. My articles will guide you, step-by-step, to lasting…