How to Recover Fast From Injuries or Surgery with Diet and Supplements
Nutrition plays a crucial role in helping your body recover from injury or surgery. You may wish to take medication to help manage the pain. Injury or surgery may also limit your movement, leading to muscle mass and strength loss. Making better food choices can help prevent secondary health issues related to your injury or…
The Connection Between Health and Happiness
Because the Guerrilla Diet is what I call a wholistic lifestyle program, it means that we take into consideration all of the effects that all parts of our lives have on our health and wellbeing, as well as how our health and wellbeing effects all other parts of our lives. In order to attain and…
Three Keys To Building Muscle Tissue On A Plant Based Diet
People have been asking me if it is possible to build muscle on a plant based diet. The truth is that muscle building is natural and it is definitely worth going about it the natural way without the risky use of steroids or eating too much meat. Steroid use has been linked to acne, baldness, depression,…