Healing Mouth Ulcers with Diet and Supplements

Mouth ulcers, canker sores, or in the medical term, recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most common wounds of the mouth mucosa seen in primary care. Aphthous ulcers affect up to 25% of the general population, with 3-month recurrence rates as high as 50%. [1] They generally occur in the mouth tissue but…

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How to Maintain A Healthy Voice – Vocal Health – Naturally

A healthy voice is a necessary tool for many professions. Teachers, singers, actors, lawyers, and even business people rely on their voices to pass on information or entertain. Unfortunately, vocal cords are subject to wear and tear like any other part of your body. That’s why it’s essential to take care of your voice so…

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Treating a Sore Throat Naturally

Sore throats have many causes, including viral or bacterial infection, allergies, injury, and irritants. Many different pathogens may be involved in a sore throat.  A sore throat can be painful.  Suppose a viral infection is at the core of the sore throat. In that case, the common accompanying symptoms include coughing, runny nose, eye inflammation,…

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Coughing And Intense Chest Congestion – How Nutrition Can Help

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear your throat and lungs of irritants and mucus. However, coughing for too long can lead to coughing fits which are known as coughing paroxysms. Coughing and intense chest congestion can be triggered by colds, viral infections, allergies, asthma, or even a sinus infection.  Coughing can also…

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How to Stop Bad Breath With 10 Dietary Tips

There is no substitute for good dental hygiene. Bad oral health is the source of 90% of cases of bad breath. This usually comes from poor oral hygiene in general, periodontal disease, unclean dentures, faulty tooth restorations, tongue coat, oral carcinomas, and throat infections. Bad breath can be a serious turnoff. If you or someone…

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