Managing Hashimoto Thyroiditis With Diet, Lifestyle Changes, and Supplements
Hashimoto thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid tissue through an immune process, often intermittently. The disease first appears with the gradual enlargement of the thyroid gland and slow progression of hypothyroidism due to the infiltration of immune cells into the thyroid tissue, causing its destruction. Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common endocrine…
Nutrients That Support Healthy Hormonal Balance and Why
Many of us deal with hormonal imbalances due to poor nutrition, stress, lack of sleep or other poor lifestyle choices. Hormonal imbalance has a critical effect on your well being as it influences your overall health condition, can lead to infertility, depression, loss of memory and focus as well as chronic fatigue and loss of…
Dietary Changes To Help Heal From Viral Infections
Viral infections can easily attack and wreak havoc on our bodies, Viruses penetrate living cells to reproduce. The virus will attach onto and enter a cell where it releases its genetic material to reproduce. The virus’s genetic material starts to control the cell forcing it to replicate the virus. The infected cell may sometimes die…
The Effects of Plastic on Your Health
The 5th of June is world environment day, so I’ve decided to prepare an article for you on plastic, the benefits, and problems associated with its usage and what actions we can take to reduce its harm. Plastic takes anywhere between 10 and 1000 years to decompose. This can be seen in both a positive…
How to Support Your Thyroid Gland Without Medication
Your thyroid gland sits just below your Adam’s apple. As a gland that secretes hormones that have a direct effect on everything from your metabolism to your energy levels to cholesterol levels and even to your memory. A properly functioning thyroid allows you to feel great. However, when it is not doing its job, you…