5 Keys to Making Successful Choices In Life For 2019

New years is up ahead, and many of us are preparing New Years Resolutions. But how do we know if a choice we are making is really good and right for us?

Sometimes, it’s plain hard to make good decisions and to feel sure about the ones we do make in life. Most of us are good at making pro’s and con’s lists but you know we usually don’t make decisions based on those. So, how can we make wise choices that will positively impact our lives? In this article, I mention the 5 keys to making successful choices in life. Consider these keys before making a decision and success will be yours.

Do I Want This?

Something shiny and new always looks attractive, but once the newness wears off, will you still want it? How much so? Or could it be a way to escape your current situation? Sometimes we focus on something new to distract ourselves from a position in our lives that isn’t how we want it to be. It is essential that we be honest with ourselves about our true motivations and to think about the impact our decision will have in the long run.

What Will I Be Giving Up?

Whatever decisions we make whether they be professional, personal or about our health, including the daily habits and routines we fall into will have an impact on the direction our lives are taking. As it can seem like a romantic and fun idea to go with the flow, the best way to end up somewhere we don’t want to be is to have no plan at all. Unfortunately, it is not until we are so far from where we want to be that we ask ourselves, how did I get here?! There will always we a cost to the choices we make. What will I have to put aside when making this particular choice? What price will I have to pay with my health, time, peace of mind, or relationships? Is it worth the price for me in the long term? Think about your honest answers to these questions before making a final decision.

What Are The Repercussions?

The temptation is to only think about getting what we want and not think about the way this affects our mid-distant future. Most people are more used to being thorough about evaluating decisions in a professional field than they are for personal decisions or romantic ones. Trying to avoid situations that are likely to happen or even doing a mental exercise of worst case scenario, are positive when trying to stay out of situations you may regret in the long haul.

Who Will Be Affected By My Decision?

It would be fabulous if other people were not affected by anything we do. Unfortunately, this is not the case. To have peace of mind, we will want to make decisions that keep the people who we care about with their best interest in mind. It is especially tricky when this comes to family, but can also be a conflict in certain work situations. Since we are all connected through our consciousness, every choice we make will have repercussions on many people outside of ourselves.

How Do I Physically Feel About Making This Change?

Our bodies and subconscious thoughts tell us a lot about our underlying emotions. Paying close attention to how we physically feel. If there are any new disturbances we feel in our body, this can help reveal our real thoughts and feelings about certain subjects and decisions. If there is unrest or lack or peace over a decision you are trying to make, a good rule is to hold off the decision until you can have peace. When in doubt, sleep on it,  or ask a professional in the field for their advice. Consider also advising with someone close to you who you appreciate their success in the area you are having difficulty with. This is a wonderful way to get some insight, as they are great at seeing blind spots and know you well enough to transmit this to you with facts based on past experiences.

Our bodies and subconscious thoughts tell us a lot about our underlying emotions. 

Paying close attention to how we physically feel is very important. If there are any new disturbances we feel in our body, this can help reveal our real thoughts and feelings about certain subjects and decisions. If there is unrest or lack of peace over a decision you are trying to make, a good rule is to hold off the decision until you have peace. When in doubt, sleep on it, or ask a professional in the field for their advice. Consider also advising with someone close to you who you appreciate their success in the area you are having difficulty with. This is a wonderful way to get some insight, as they are great at seeing blind spots and know you well enough to transmit this to you with facts based on past experiences.

Stick to the Decision Once It Is Made

If you have gone through the process of weighing all the options, you should be left with a clear decision to make. Once this is done, you can be confident about sticking to what you have decided upon and take persistent action towards your success.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, New Year!

Galit Goldfarb


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Galit Goldfarb