The 7 “Secrets” to Lasting Health (that most of us know but don’t follow)

Seventy percent of the global population is suffering from at least one chronic disease, and the percentage is even higher if you live in the Western world. Every day you hear about some new miracle pill or procedure that claims to make you younger, stronger, thinner, more beautiful and heal you from some chronic disease.…

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The Guerrilla Diet Detox Regimen for Clearing Toxins from the Body

Sometimes the body may need some extra help in fighting off frequent infections, strengthening the immune system, getting rid of toxic metals and stubborn weight, as well as improving skin quality and energy levels. At such times, a helpful approach is to follow a diet that promotes detoxification. A diet that promotes detoxification also helps increase…

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Manipulating your Gut Microflora for Weight Loss 

Scientists are now beginning to understand that when taking the numbers into consideration, we are only about 30% human! The rest of us is made up of microorganisms, mainly bacteria. We have about 40 trillion cells in our body and about 20-30,000 human protein-coding genes, whereas we have about 100 trillion microorganisms living in our…

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Soy Products; Should They Form Part of a Healthy Diet For Men and Women?

Soy products and other phytoestrogen or plant-estrogen rich foods have compounds derived from plants that mimic estrogen due to their similar structure. There have been many false assumptions that men consuming phytoestrogens may have lowered sperm count, concentration, motility, and increased rate of testicular cancers. But a 2010 meta-analysis of fifteen placebo-controlled studies concluded that…

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The Ultimate Guide To Leptin and Weight Loss

Hi, this is Galit Goldfarb, nutritionist and medical scientist, and welcome to my blog where you will find great articles to help you transform your health easily through practical lifestyle changes based on science. My articles will guide you, step-by-step, to lasting weight loss and better health for you and your family no matter your…

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The 7 Diet and Lifestyle Changes That Helped Me Heal From Cancer

Hi, this is Galit Goldfarb, nutritionist, and medical scientist. Welcome to my blog where you will find great articles to help you transform your health quickly through practical lifestyle changes based on science. My articles will guide you, step-by-step, to lasting weight loss and better health for you, your family and the world as a…

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The 9 Lifestyle Changes That Support PTSD Healing

PTSD is a condition that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event in their life. The symptoms include: Either flashbacks, nightmares or fearful thoughts which involve reliving of the traumatic event. Avoidance of places, events, objects, thoughts or even feelings that are reminders of the traumatic experience. And ongoing…

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7 Secret Nutrients That Help Relieve Depression and Make You Feel Good

Depression is a common mood disorder exhibiting persistent feelings of lack of interest, deep sadness or loneliness. Depression affects not only behavior but also predisposes one to a variety of physical health conditions. Depression is not just about feeling down for a day but is often tough to snap out without proper care. What are…

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The Nutritional Benefits and Culinary Uses for Mushrooms You Can Eat

The Nutritional Benefits and Culinary Uses for Mushrooms You Can Eat There are hundreds of different kinds of mushrooms all over the world. Not all of them are edible, but the ones that are all have some great nutritional benefits and different uses in cooking. Here is a short guide to the nutritional benefits of mushrooms…

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12 Ways To Treat Hair Loss Naturally

12 Ways To Treat Hair Loss Naturally:   Losing your hair can be hard to handle, but there are natural ways to help reduce hair loss and improve the state of your hair. Gaining knowledge about your hair loss will assist you in knowing what is occurring to you and how you can control it.…

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How To Fight Ageing With Nutrition

How To Fight Ageing With Nutrition – Fighting ageing with nutrition is not only possible, but also recommended. In fact the best ways to fight ageing are absolutely free and does not require expensive therapies, creams or surgery.

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Week 10

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Healing Jaundice with Diet, Lifestyle Changes, and Supplements  

Jaundice is a medical condition induced by the buildup of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is a naturally occurring orange-yellow pigment that is a waste product from the natural breakdown of red blood cells. The liver processes the bilirubin from the breakdown of blood cells and transports it to the intestines in bile, a digestive…

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Platelet Health and Count with Nutrition and Supplements  

Platelets, or in other words, thrombocytes, are colorless blood cells that help blood aggregate or clot together to form plugs in injuries to stop bleeding. Platelets are called by this name because, under a microscope, they look like small plates in their non-active form. A platelet becomes active whenever it receives a signal that there…

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Managing Diarrhea with Diet and Lifestyle Changes

You suffer from diarrhea when you have at least three loose, liquid, or watery stools in a day. The stool becomes loose and watery because of excess water content in the stools. This excess water in stools comes from either reduced water absorption by the bowel or increased water production and elimination.  This may occur…

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