Jaundice is a medical condition induced by the buildup of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is a naturally occurring orange-yellow pigment that is a waste product from the natural breakdown of red blood cells. The liver processes the bilirubin from the breakdown of blood cells and transports it to the intestines in bile, a digestive fluid produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. This helps remove the bilirubin from the body through the stools. This process has several stages requiring enzymes, proteins, and healthy liver cells.
Jaundice has many causes in adults, including liver cell disease or liver damage, gallstones, toxins, alcohol consumption, drugs, medications, tumors, chronic conditions like IBS, parasitic infections, hepatitis, and family history of jaundice or liver disease.
Higher bilirubin levels may indicate that red blood cells are breaking down faster than average for some reason or that your liver isn’t functioning properly at breaking down or clearing waste from your blood. Bile duct problems may also be the cause, such as impairment of bile production or obstruction of bile flow.
Jaundice frequently causes abdominal pain, a feeling of heaviness in the right upper side of the belly, and fever.
Because of bilirubin’s yellow pigment, it can cause the eyes, skin, and gums to turn yellowish when it is deposited in these tissues.
Diet can play a crucial role in recovering from jaundice because what you eat and drink impacts liver function.
Here are ways to promote jaundice recovery with diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements:
1. Hydrate sufficiently with water and tender coconut water
Drinking sufficient water induces gallbladder emptying to help remove bile with bilirubin from the body. Adequate daily water intake supports gallbladder health and helps prevent gallstone formation. [1]
Drink the daily recommended amount of water to stay hydrated and to help flush out toxins from the body. See the article on how to calculate your water needs here xxx
If you don’t like plain water, you may infuse your water with cucumber, mint leaves, or lemon to add some flavor. Another drink to consider is tender coconut water. Tender coconut water is rich in phytochemicals, electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins. It has been shown to protect against toxic liver injury and repress inflammatory damage. [2] As a potent anti-inflammatory, tender coconut water also has been linked to reducing prostaglandin production and thereby helps control tissue damage and infection.
Jaundice in newborns occurs because the baby no longer needs so many red blood cells, so, in the first days after birth, there are a lot of red blood cells that break down, producing excess bilirubin. When the newborn’s liver cannot process so much bilirubin effectively, the newborn’s gut quickly absorbs this unprocessed bilirubin, increasing blood bilirubin levels that are then deposited in the skin or other tissues of the body. New mothers should be urged to breastfeed more often to prevent jaundice in their babies. Phototherapy uses unique lights to break down the bilirubin in a baby’s skin to be eliminated more easily. Phototherapy may be needed when bilirubin levels in the newborn exceed the threshold.
2. Stop Drinking Alcohol Completely
Jaundice is a characteristic of liver failure in people with alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. [3] The condition is a sign that your liver is burdened, and drinking alcohol when you have jaundice is detrimental even if you have not been diagnosed with any liver disease.
3. Avoid liver-damaging foods
If you have jaundice, protecting your liver becomes even more critical. Aim to avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates, canned and smoked foods, saturated and trans fats, and rich meats. These foods put more strain on your liver because they are hard to digest and may contain high levels of preservatives. It would also help avoid raw or undercooked fish or shellfish, which may contain parasites and bacteria that can infect the liver. Instead, increase the intake of foods that aid in jaundice recovery, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, herbal teas, whole grains, nuts, and plant-based proteins like lentils, peas, and beans.
4. Reduce meat consumption
Red meat consumption has been related to different diseases due to the heme iron it contains that leads to the production of N-nitroso compounds. [4]
The body has no means of excreting excess iron. You can only eliminate iron from the body in small amounts through the shedding of skin cells, hair growth, sweat, urine, gastrointestinal secretions, and in larger quantities from menses in premenopausal women. [5]
The buildup of iron in the body or hemochromatosis can lead to multi-organ damage and failure through free radical production, leading to liver damage. Heme is found only in animal products. Therefore, it is wise to avoid all meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs when suffering from any liver disease.
5. Take an oatmeal bath
Severe jaundice can cause pruritus, a severe itching of the skin, which is believed to be caused by the higher levels of bile salts building up under the skin. The intense itchiness can negatively influence the quality of life, causing sleep deprivation, fatigue, and depression. Warm oatmeal baths are a natural remedy for relieving mild pruritus. [6] The oatmeal is soothing as it binds to the skin to form a protective barrier that holds in moisture and eases inflammation. The recommendation is to soak in a warm bath with one cup of oatmeal for about 10-15 minutes.
6. Avoid liver toxins
Herbal medications may be toxic. When taking herbal remedies, you should consult with a physician or herbal specialist if you have liver disease or dysfunction. Many herbal supplements can be harmful to the liver and may cause irreversible liver damage leading to jaundice.
Also, avoid exceeding the recommended dose for any prescribed medication, avoid drugs, and smoking. [7]
To conclude
Liver health is crucial for the health of the whole body. Avoid the lifestyle and dietary habits mentioned above that are detrimental to liver health, drink healthy fluids and reduce animal product consumption.
All references are found at this link: https://bit.ly/guerrillahealthref I keep this list updated.
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Dr. Galit Goldfarb
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