Managing Food Poisoning with Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Foodborne illnesses or food poisoning are common and affect ? of the population in developed countries at one point every year. In undeveloped countries, these numbers are much higher. In the US alone in 2022, the CDC statistics report 48 million people suffering from food poisoning a year, with 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths yearly…
How To Prevent and Heal Acne
Acne can be a big nuisance for most people at some stage in their life. Research shows that about 80% of people will have acne at some point in life, most commonly, but not solely, between the ages of 11 to the age of 30. [1] The causes of acne vulgaris are many: hormones, bacteria,…
Supporting Asperger’s and Autism with Diet, Lifestyle Changes, and Supplements
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a spectrum of neurodevelopment disorders of unknown cause. Research suggests that environmental risk factors during the prenatal period could influence a child’s brain development. ASD is characterized by social communication and interaction abnormalities and repetitive behavior patterns, interests, or activities. These children become distressed when their surroundings are changed because…
How to Prevent and Heal Anemia Through Diet and Supplements
Anemia is defined as hemoglobin or red blood cell concentration below two standard deviations of the average physiological needs depending on a person’s age and gender. [1] Anemia affects about ? of the world’s population [2] and contributes to increased morbidity and mortality, [3-4] decreased work productivity, [5] poorer birth outcomes, [6-7], and impaired behavioral…
Natural Birth Control Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About.
Permanent birth control is the method of choice for a third of all women worldwide. Families want to plan their life according to their income, their life goals, and their lifestyle. Having children in an environment where they are not wanted is damaging for both sides, the child and their parent/s. Family planning is also…
Head Lice – Natural Remedies
Many people panic when they realize that they or their child has a headful of lice, but this isn’t associated with poor hygiene. The panic is understandable; nobody wants a 3mm sized menace feeding on your blood. But the good news is that there are plenty of natural therapies and remedies to cure head lice…
Pregnancy – The Most Crucial Supplements And Foods To Consume When Pregnant Or Trying To Get Pregnant
Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman’s life. Not only is it special because of the outcome, but also the pregnancy itself is quite a spiritual process that is very exciting and fulfilling. During pregnancy, the amount of nutrients the woman’s body needs is also special in that it is exceptionally high. Many…
Ulcerative Colitis Remission With Diet and Supplements
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract (1). The disease leads to malabsorption of nutrients, macro- or micronutrient deficiencies, severe weight loss, and osteoporosis [2-6]. The disease often begins gradually and may become worse over time. Most people who have ulcerative colitis have…
5 Great Meals That Help Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Since the coronavirus had us locked down at home, we had to become more creative with the foods we make, especially with children. We had to opt for easy recipes that do not use too many ingredients but are still very tasty and full of nutrients. During this period I aimed to ensure that all…
Epileptic Seizures – How Nutrition Can Help
For people suffering from epilepsy, a balanced whole-food, mostly plant-based diet, whereby eating a variety of foods from mostly plant food groups, is vital as this diet helps the body function at its best. It also helps reduce the frequency of seizures. Food choices and nutrient content of foods is also crucial for more control…
7 Tips to Get Your Kids To Eat More Vegetables
Any parent who understands the importance of consuming vegetables has probably met with a child’s objection at the dinner table. I personally know that it is not easy to get some kids to eat vegetables… Sometimes you may find greens hidden under their plates or some zucchini under the table, or worse, the child refuses…
How to Heal Acne Through Diet and Supplements
Acne is undoubtedly a big nuisance for most people at some stage in their life. Research tells us that about 80% of people will have acne at some point in life, most commonly, but not solely, between the ages of 11 to the age of 30. [1] The causes of acne vulgaris are many: hormones,…
Are Air Fryers Really a Healthy Alternative?
We all love fried foods; this is part of human evolution. Fried foods provide lots of fat, which, in prehistoric times, were essential for our survival. But what about eating these fats in modern times? We know that the high temperatures used for frying food induce oxidation of cholesterol. Cholesterol oxidation products are formed which…
7 Tasty, Healthy and Easy to Prepare Breakfasts
If you’re not already aware, regular and healthy breakfasts are essential for your health. However, many people rarely eat healthy breakfasts, and some don’t even eat breakfast at all. Eating a healthy, whole-food, and plant-based breakfast is the first step to support your health, especially in combating all weight issues and diabetes. Every year, when…
Are Dietary Supplements Absorbed and Are They Safe?
Our bodies need a whole host of different vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients to function at optimal levels. We need to take in these nutrients through our diet, however, in order to get all the health supporting nutrients into our bodies, we need to have a very diverse and varied diet throughout the week.…