Managing PCOS Naturally with Diet and Supplements
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is often characterized by elevated male hormone levels in females, irregular menstrual cycles, or small cyst-like findings on the ovaries. [1] PCOS is the most typical endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age, affecting 7% of adult women of childbearing age on average. It is a common cause of ovulation disorders.…
How to Manage Menopausal Symptoms Naturally
Menopause can bring about many physical changes, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, pain during sex, heart palpitations, and sleeping disruptions. These symptoms are the result of fluctuating progesterone and estrogen levels. While many women dread this point in their lives because they fear the common symptoms associated with menopause, menopause can also be viewed as…
Treating Endometriosis Naturally with Diet and Supplements
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent chronic gynecological disorder that significantly reduces the quality of life of affected women by restricting their physical, mental, and social well-being [1]. Endometriosis can be painful, at times causing sharp pain during ovulation, bowel movements, and sexual intercourse. The condition can cause painful, heavy periods, infertility in 30 – 50% of…
Natural Birth Control Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About.
Permanent birth control is the method of choice for a third of all women worldwide. Families want to plan their life according to their income, their life goals, and their lifestyle. Having children in an environment where they are not wanted is damaging for both sides, the child and their parent/s. Family planning is also…
Phytoestrogens and Their Effect on Body Estrogen Levels and Health
Estrogen is the primary sex hormone regulating the menstrual cycle and affecting the reproductive system in the female body. However, not many people know that estrogen affects almost all other body tissues, including the brain. In the brain, estrogen increases serotonin levels and the number of serotonin receptors, controlling the amount of endorphins, the “feel-good” chemicals. Estrogen…
Why Detoxing Your Environment Is Important for Health and Weight Loss
Toxins are substances that can damage DNA. Toxins are all around us. They are found in products which we use, in the food we eat and the water we drink. They are also common in our environment. Toxins have an immense effect on our health and on our weight because the environment of our cells…
Cookware: Which Should You Use For Health And Why
At some point in our lives, it comes time to change the cooking tools that we should have thrown away long ago. We may have become accustomed to an old pot, or an old crusty spatula; however, the materials that compose some of these most used cooking utensils may have some health consequences. Let’s look…
7 Common Additives to Avoid and Why
How often do you read the labels of the foods you buy at the grocery store?Did you know that there are more than 6,000 additives that are approved by the FDA for consumption. It would be wonderful to believe that the food manufacturers have the consumer’s best interest at heart, but that’s often not the…
The Vital Benefits of Consuming Organic Food
There was a time when all food was grown using natural methods. However, since the industrial revolution, with the introduction of new farming techniques, the use of synthetic chemicals as pesticides, genetically modified seeds and excessive use of fertilizers became widely accepted to get rid of insects and weeds which affect the health of the…
The Guerrilla Diet Detox Regimen for Clearing Toxins from the Body
Sometimes the body may need some extra help in fighting off frequent infections, strengthening the immune system, getting rid of toxic metals and stubborn weight, as well as improving skin quality and energy levels. At such times, a helpful approach is to follow a diet that promotes detoxification. A diet that promotes detoxification also helps increase…
How to Boost Fertility Naturally with Diet and Supplements
Many people don’t realize how in control they are of their own fertility. Infertility among men and women is very common. Today 6.1 Million women suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome the leading cause of infertility among women. [1] About 6% of married women aged 15 to 44 years in the United States are unable to…
The Ultimate Guide To Leptin and Weight Loss
Hi, this is Galit Goldfarb, nutritionist and medical scientist, and welcome to my blog where you will find great articles to help you transform your health easily through practical lifestyle changes based on science. My articles will guide you, step-by-step, to lasting weight loss and better health for you and your family no matter your…
10 Healthiest Foods and Why They Keep Us Healthy And Slim – Infographic
Introducing some of the 10 healthiest foods to consume regularly. I consider these foods healthiest because of their special components that support a healthy cell environment allowing our cells to thrive as well as offering us protection from harmful substances that we may come in contact with. By supporting our cells with nutrients while protecting them…
3 Practical Ways To Reduce Pesticide Exposure On A Plant Based Diet
We all know the health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. But what about the pesticides that are on conventionally grown plants? Is it better to stick to a diet largely based on animal products to avoid these chemicals? First of all pesticides are toxic and they are intended to…
[New Study] Having Healthy Children – Essential Steps For Men
We now know that the behavior of a person’s genes doesn’t just depend on their DNA sequence but also on epigenetic factors. Watch the video here: Unlike our DNA sequence which is largely stable within an individual, the epigenome can be dynamically altered by environmental conditions. The epigenome does not change the DNA… but…