How to Manage Menopausal Symptoms Naturally

Menopause can bring about many physical changes, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, pain during sex, heart palpitations, and sleeping disruptions. These symptoms are the result of fluctuating progesterone and estrogen levels. While many women dread this point in their lives because they fear the common symptoms associated with menopause, menopause can also be viewed as…
Is Hair Color Harmful For You? Here’s to making an educated choice…

I am just about to turn 50 years old, and last week I decided to stop coloring my hair with even the so-called healthy brands. I have made this decision because of the unhealthy effects of the chemicals found, even in “healthy” hair colors, on our brain and overall health. I will bring you all…
Head Lice – Natural Remedies

Many people panic when they realize that they or their child has a headful of lice, but this isn’t associated with poor hygiene. The panic is understandable; nobody wants a 3mm sized menace feeding on your blood. But the good news is that there are plenty of natural therapies and remedies to cure head lice…
Toxin Removal – The best foods and supplements that support natural detoxification

Helping our body remove toxins is essential for health in later years of life. The sooner you start, the healthier you will be in later life. Toxin removal should be an ongoing process otherwise life will be full of exhaustion, pain, headaches, water retention, and other problems that come from too many toxins in the…
How to treat hair loss with diet and supplements

Hair loss is a clear sign of some deficiency in your diet. This deficiency can be of specific nutrients, or overall calorie deficiency or a macronutrient deficiency such as protein deficiency. Hair follicles are among the most metabolically active in the body. They require constant and proper nutrition to support their growth. Research shows…
Natural Recipes for Healthy Shampoo, Conditioner, and Skin Toner

Our modern lifestyle increasingly relies on a growingly diverse group of synthetic chemicals. There are over 140 million chemicals that are registered under the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS, 2015), and this number is multiplying. These chemicals are a growing challenge and may pose many human health risks. They are a challenge because these chemicals can…
10 Reasons Why You Want To Sprout Food And How To Easily Do This

The process of germinating seeds to be eaten is called sprouting. The practice involves soaking the seeds, legumes, grains, or nuts, followed by an incubation period. You soak and incubate the seeds until they grow a tail-like protrusion. The soaking period increases the water content of the seeds and brings them out of a dormant…
The Moringa Miracle for Health and Weight Loss

Moringa Oleifera, also known as the miracle tree, is an ancient plant that is native to Asia and Africa. It has for centuries been used for many different purposes due to its high density of bioactive compounds including carotenoids, polyphenols, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Its nutritious pods, roots, bark, gum, leaves, and seeds are…
How to Improve Cell Energy (Mitochondrial Function) for Anti Aging & Health

The energy of the cell is produced by converting food we eat and oxygen we breath into energy in an organelle found inside our cells called the mitochondria. These organelles are considered the batteries of life, and are found in large numbers in active organs and tissues where a lot of energy is needed, including…
Nutrients That Support Healthy Hormonal Balance and Why

Many of us deal with hormonal imbalances due to poor nutrition, stress, lack of sleep or other poor lifestyle choices. Hormonal imbalance has a critical effect on your well being as it influences your overall health condition, can lead to infertility, depression, loss of memory and focus as well as chronic fatigue and loss of…
7 Ancient Superfoods with Healing and Weight Loss Properties

Many ancient cultures have recognized the healing properties of plants. In this video, I will mention some of the most vigorous plants used to cure health problems and diseases in these ancient cultures. All of these foods also have properties that will help you to lose weight faster. Ginkgo In the Chinese culture, Ginkgo is…
7 Supplements That Help With Weight Loss and Two Supplements To Avoid

Over 1/4 of the global population is battling with their weight. This is not a number to take lightly. A change of diet to a whole-food plant-based diet is the best and fastest way to lose weight, although supplementation during the initial steps can be beneficial and supportive of the process. In this article, I…
Dietary Changes To Help Heal From Viral Infections

Viral infections can easily attack and wreak havoc on our bodies, Viruses penetrate living cells to reproduce. The virus will attach onto and enter a cell where it releases its genetic material to reproduce. The virus’s genetic material starts to control the cell forcing it to replicate the virus. The infected cell may sometimes die…
Three Keys To Building Muscle Tissue On A Plant Based Diet

People have been asking me if it is possible to build muscle on a plant based diet. The truth is that muscle building is natural and it is definitely worth going about it the natural way without the risky use of steroids or eating too much meat. Steroid use has been linked to acne, baldness, depression,…
The Guerrilla Diet Detox Regimen for Clearing Toxins from the Body

Sometimes the body may need some extra help in fighting off frequent infections, strengthening the immune system, getting rid of toxic metals and stubborn weight, as well as improving skin quality and energy levels. At such times, a helpful approach is to follow a diet that promotes detoxification. A diet that promotes detoxification also helps increase…