The Health and Anti-Aging Benefits of NAD+

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+ for short, is a molecule that is found inside all of our cells. NAD+ controls many key processes in the body, including energy metabolism, cell survival. [1, 2]  Some of the key roles of NAD+ include: Fixing damaged DNA Part of the stress response Enabling the body’s natural internal clock…

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How to Heal Acne Through Diet and Supplements

Acne is undoubtedly a big nuisance for most people at some stage in their life. Research tells us that about 80% of people will have acne at some point in life, most commonly, but not solely, between the ages of 11 to the age of 30. [1] The causes of acne vulgaris are many: hormones,…

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How to Improve Kidney Disease Naturally

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive disease affecting the kidneys.  It causes irreparable damage to the kidneys and affects some 30 million people in the United States. This disease represents a public health issue due to its high prevalence and high impact on peoples morbidity and mortality levels [1,2]. As CKD progresses, especially in…

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Are Air Fryers Really a Healthy Alternative?

We all love fried foods; this is part of human evolution. Fried foods provide lots of fat, which, in prehistoric times, were essential for our survival. But what about eating these fats in modern times?  We know that the high temperatures used for frying food induce oxidation of cholesterol.  Cholesterol oxidation products are formed which…

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Natural Recipes for Healthy Shampoo, Conditioner, and Skin Toner

Our modern lifestyle increasingly relies on a growingly diverse group of synthetic chemicals. There are over 140 million chemicals that are registered under the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS, 2015), and this number is multiplying. These chemicals are a growing challenge and may pose many human health risks.  They are a challenge because these chemicals can…

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7 Tasty, Healthy and Easy to Prepare Breakfasts

If you’re not already aware, regular and healthy breakfasts are essential for your health. However, many people rarely eat healthy breakfasts, and some don’t even eat breakfast at all. Eating a healthy, whole-food, and plant-based breakfast is the first step to support your health, especially in combating all weight issues and diabetes. Every year, when…

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Kombucha – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Kombucha tea is a black or green tea that has become popular in the Western world due to the functional medicine movement. People usually use it for the health benefits that it is claimed to have. In this article, I will talk about everything good about Kombucha, but also the negative aspects. More on Kombucha …

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How to Avoid or Heal from Chronic Pain Naturally

Chronic pain is undoubtedly a difficult thing to live with, no matter where in the body the pain is located. Chronic pain is also very prevalent among the global population. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, some 1.5 billion people around the world suffer from chronic pain. This means that 20% of the…

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Garlic for Weight Loss and 10 Other Health Benefits

As early as ancient times, people have recognized how beneficial garlic is for our general health and well-being. Even Hippocrates used garlic when he treated people for a wide variety of health problems and conditions. [1] Today, thanks to extensive research, we know that dietary factors play a vital role in the development of various…

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10 Reasons Why You Want To Sprout Food And How To Easily Do This

The process of germinating seeds to be eaten is called sprouting. The practice involves soaking the seeds, legumes, grains, or nuts, followed by an incubation period. You soak and incubate the seeds until they grow a tail-like protrusion. The soaking period increases the water content of the seeds and brings them out of a dormant…

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How to Reduce Homocysteine Levels To Improve Your Health

Homocysteine is one of the many amino acids – the building blocks of protein – in our bodies. Our bodies produce it naturally, and it’s made from a prevalent amino acid called methionine. Elevated homocysteine levels are known to inflict damage to the endothelium – the inner arterial lining which effects many disease states including…

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How to heal from UTI naturally

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are a common problem worldwide, and they affect millions of people every year. Around 60% of all women experience a UTI in their lifetime. Conventional medicine treats UTI’s with antibiotics just as with most other bacterial infections, however, this may form a severe problem with recurrent UTI’s, and, as a new…

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5 Tips for Long Term Health and Weight Loss Success

Regaining your health or losing weight after a long period of faulty eating and lifestyle habits can take a lot of physical, emotional, and mental effort. And often, once the goal of your ideal weight and health are reached, you feel like those extra pounds or poor health can never return. But the truth is…

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Treating Psoriasis with Diet and Supplements

Psoriasis is a complex skin disease affecting around 3% of the global population. It causes inflammation and scaling of the skin. The disease achieves this by altering the way skin grows. Healthy skin goes through a cell turnover every month, but for people with psoriasis, the cells turnover 10 times faster than average. [1] Medications,…

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5 Health Habits You Want To Begin Immediately

Lifestyle habits are challenging to change, especially when trying to change everything all at once. This is a sure route to failure, as this leads to feelings of incompetence, which makes us give up on all of our new habits and resort to our usual non-beneficial health habits that do not support our health and…

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