Why Do We Avoid Making The Changes That We Know Will Make Us Healthier And Happier?

Why do we avoid making the changes that we know and understand we need to make in order to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life? It all comes down to the primitive parts of our brain that move us to make decisions based on whether we believe this choice will provide us with pleasurable feelings…

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Getting Started With The Right Mindset For Success With Weight Loss

There is great importance in getting into a success mindset in order for your efforts to fulfill your desires. Having the right mindset for achieving your health and weight loss goals is very important and always determines your success in this field. Check out my infographic on positive vs negative thinking for weight loss. You…

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Why Changing Your Diet Is The Best Way To Stop Hair Loss, Hear My Friend’s Story With Alopecia

  Why changing your diet is the best way to stop hair loss, hear my friend’s story with alopecia: A close friend of mine woke up one morning to see his pillow full of hair. He didn’t think much about it until it started happening every single day. He was losing chunks of hair on…

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[Infographic] 13 Simple Keys To A Healthy Lifestyle

Hi everyone, Today I felt like making a nice infographic pointing out the state of our current health and how to make things better simply and easily. I have included 13 tips to living a healthier happier life. Enjoy the infographic and have a great day! Thank you for taking the time to visit my…

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Get Rid Of Your Health and Weight Issues Once and For All

Are You Ready To Get Rid Of Your Health and Weight Issues Once and For All?! I decided to take a closer look at our closest ancestors to learn more about the current human health situation. I went on to examine gorillas who share 97.8% of our genes and found that by examining the way…

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How To Keep Yourself Motivated For Weight Loss Without Losing Your Mind

Motivational Tips & Actions for Weight Loss  I know that it is so easy to start a new diet or healthy lifestyle change but our desire to stick with it can fluctuate so quickly. I have seen this with my hundreds of clients and through my own personal experience. We are motivated and willing to…

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The 9 Lifestyle Changes That Support PTSD Healing

PTSD is a condition that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event in their life. The symptoms include: Either flashbacks, nightmares or fearful thoughts which involve reliving of the traumatic event. Avoidance of places, events, objects, thoughts or even feelings that are reminders of the traumatic experience. And ongoing…

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4 Simple Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle On A Time Budget

4 Simple Tips To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle On A Time Budget Healthy food preparation takes time and eating real meals seems to have become a thing of the past due to our fast paced lives. People seem to be skipping breakfast because they need to leave home early to avoid traffic. They skip lunch when…

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Here is How Virgin Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Health and Help You Lose Weight

Here is How Virgin Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Health and Help You Lose Weight Coconut oil is extracted from the meat of the coconut from the coconut tree which is native to tropical parts of the world like East Africa, SE Asia and the Asian subcontinent. Coconut oil has been used for cooking for…

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How To Easily Stock Your Pantry to Ensure Optimal Health and Natural Weight Loss

How To Easily Stock Your Pantry to Ensure Optimal Health and Natural Weight Loss:   The best way to ensure you eat healthy meals starts with a well stocked healthy pantry. Why? Because when you get hungry, the first thing that you will do is go for the kitchen cupboards to fill up your hungry…

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7 Secret Nutrients That Help Relieve Depression and Make You Feel Good

Depression is a common mood disorder exhibiting persistent feelings of lack of interest, deep sadness or loneliness. Depression affects not only behavior but also predisposes one to a variety of physical health conditions. Depression is not just about feeling down for a day but is often tough to snap out without proper care. What are…

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9 Foods That Help Manage Osteoarthritis With Diet

9 Foods That Help Manage Osteoarthritis With Diet Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease affecting millions of people globally. Osteoarthritis is associated with the breakdown of a joint’s cartilage, the rubbery material that cushions the ends of the bones in most joints and is responsible for cushioning the joints and absorbing impact. When the cartilage at…

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{Recipe} Homemade Healthy Vegan Energy Roll

My new book The Guerrilla Diet And Lifestyle Program – Wage War on Weight & Poor Health And Learn To Thrive In The Modern Jungle is now available  HERE  on Amazon! Homemade Healthy Vegan Energy Roll When you need some energy during the day, here is a great nutritious snack to pick you up quickly. Great for adults and…

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How To Make Sure You Are Drinking Enough Good Water For Your Health

Drinking water may be so obvious to us that we often neglect its importance and disparage it. The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of approximately 55 to 75 percent water. Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine, and sweat and is…

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How To Overcome Addictions With The Help Of Your Diet:

Eating healthy during recovery from any addiction is an important strategy to help you stick to the often very challenging and frustrating weaning process. Addiction of any sort is best fought if you are fit physically, mentally and emotionally, all of which your diet has a significant influence on. Whether you have decided to take…

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